Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A weekend of bliss!

I had the opportunity to spend this past weekend in Palm Springs with my cousins and some of their family. It was so relaxing! The house we stayed in was absolutely gorgeous and a perfect vacation home. I could have stayed there for a week or two. :) The pool was definitely my favorite and I spent most of my time in there. I have my last summer tan! I didn't have to worry about my clothes, my hair, an alarm clock or anything except for getting a bathing suit on and being outside! Now it's back to reality ... work, school, homework, dr appts, etc.. ugh! It was nice to be in a state of utopia while I could!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tests are NEGATIVE!

I just received a phone call from my doctor's office saying the tests came back negative! THANK YOU JESUS!! Going back for a check up on October 1st to determine whether mass is to be removed due to pain. Pending results for blood work that was just done today as well. Thank you all for your prayers and concern! My weekend will be worry-free!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wedding bells are ringin'!!

My girlfriend from high school, Genevieve, was married on September 14, 2008, to a very nice young man named Anthony, whom she met at her church. They had a beautiful wedding, where love was definitely there! I felt privileged to be a guest there to witness this union of love! Unfortunately, my camera died and I didn't even get to take a picture with the lovely bride and groom! I left the reception early for our Sunday evening communion service, which was a blessing, too! Wearing the same clothes and high heeled shoes that day for 13 hours was quite an experience. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Scripture of the day

John 14:1-3
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

Signing on to my homepage this morning (igoogle.com), I read this "gadget" (bible verse) for the day. There couldn't be a more perfect scripture today; especially the part about not letting your heart be troubled. Tomorrow I am going to a specialist for some testing that I am quite nervous about. Trusting in God through these times is by far the most challenging. I know He is in control and has the power to heal and take care of me, but my nerves tend to get the best of me anyway! Praying for negative test results and questions to the answers I've had lately!

I went into the doctor yesterday and had an unexpected biopsy and now am waiting until Monday or Tuesday to hear results. Praying and hoping all is well.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Grandma Nancy has arrived in California! Unfortunately someone had to welcome her in a not-so-nice way by rear ending Mom, Chad and Gram on their way to my aunt's house. An 18 year old, driving without a license, without insurance, in a Cadillac Escalade mind you... chose not to stop when my mom did, making for a quite interesting afternoon. Considering the speed of the "teenager", thankfully there weren't any more serious injuries. Of course, all of them have neck issues, so I'm sure the next few days will not be fun for any of them. Pray for a quick recovery and that justice will be served to the dumb girl driving illegally!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sunday drive in the canyons...

Sunday afternoon Scott, Jenn, the kids, and Chad and I took off after lunch on a stroll through the canyons off of Santiago Canyon Rd. It was a nice relaxing ride we enjoyed while sipping our Starbucks and enjoying the seriously dried out terrain. Clayton was the first to crash out for a nap, Abigail second. We never could get #1 to take a nap. He was too busy competing with mom and dad in their quest to come up with a song for everything we discussed. Jenn's classic was the donut song.. and then Zachary had to add to the mix... "Do you really want to hurt me?!" Thanks to Auntie Michelle!! Even though we had to cut our drive short because I had to go to band practice, it was a nice Sunday drive.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

CSULB Student

I started college just out of high school, in August of 2002, with the anticipation of becoming an RN one day. After 3 years of school full time and still not finding my niche, I quit. Once I started working full time and got used to the money, I quickly pushed college out of my mind. 2 years later, in the fall of 2007, I decided to go back to school changing my major to a Business Admin degree, with emphasis in Accounting. After one horrible professor and many hours of homework without clear understanding, I again fell back in the rut of no school. Considering the fact the Spring of 2008 meant busy (tax) season while working full time for the accounting firm, I figured school just couldn't be added into that equation. Once summer rolled along, and then the fall, I had an itch to return to school again. Finally, I am a student once again at California State University Long Beach, this time to finish until the end. I will be majoring in Business Administration still, but with an emphasis in Marketing. I enjoy my current position at the accounting firm and hope the degree will increase my possibilities for growth and promotion with the administration department. I should be done in 2 years! (Lord willing!)