Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The BIG Move

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Henry David Thoreau

The time has come for the Big Move, my first time out of my parents house. There are so many feelings involved with the first move; worry, numerous emotions, excitement, exhilaration, liberation, but overall, just plain awesome-ness! It's nice to be able to decorate my own place and gather my own furniture and belongings, but at the same time, it is a huge responsibility that will take time in budgeting, coming up with meals, paying all the extra bills that I've never had to worry about, and most of all, building and creating character for myself, and only for me. I look forward to more prayer time without having to worry about disturbing anyone, and waking early to read my bible, too. Another plus is that I'll be just 5 miles from work, which will definitely benefit considering our busy tax season is just a few weeks away! I'm praying God will lead me to neighbors who need Him. I've already met a girl who I think would enjoy the college and career small group I attend. I plan on having meetings in the future at my house to make it so she and others can come!

I've been blessed to receive several furniture pieces and nice things from people at work and through family members and friends. (Especially Jessica & Tony - Thank you both!!) They have all been a huge support and help during this Big Move. I appreciate them so much!

I'm confident the first few nights/weeks/months will not be the easiest, but I'm ready to shine in this big bright world and take this step toward a future full of opportunities to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Pray for me as I take on this endeavor! Stay tuned for updates and apartment photos!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Laguna Beach at sunset! Gorgeous evening.

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